So I've been away for a bit with real world stuff, this post is therefore a bit like time traveling as the events contained herein occured
in the past (woooooooo). I was planning to make a meal using items from my garden and the last vegetables in my fridge (some onions and some mushrooms). It was going to be a pasta dish, but then you-know-what decided to wreck my pasta. So I had it as a breakfast instead, sans starch.
Garden Scramble
Handful of mushrooms
1 chili, chopped
2 small onions, diced
1 garlic shoot, chopped
1 cherry tomato, garnish
Saute the onion in some oil on high for about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes. Then add the chili and the garlic shoots. Add the tomato on the plate.
Serves 1
I think this would have been nice served over something. I probably could've cooked these particular mushrooms for a shorter period as well. The tomato complemented it surprisingly well, if I'd had more ready I would've put more on (say 4 cherry tomatoes).
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