One of my staple invented dishes is something I like to call Mulligan Soup. Its a ever changing mix of vegetables, beans and a starch. Usually that starch is barley, but I had not-quite-enough pasta for a meal so I used that instead. In fact, I think the only thing the same about the recipe below and the first time I made Mulligan Soup is the garlic. And, probably, cumin. The carrot and the white beans give it a nice orange look, when I made it with red kidney beans it was an angry purple. I overfilled the bowl with soup so had to sip it a bit befor I could take the picture.
Mulligan Soup
3 cloves garlic, minced
A cup of pasta or 1/2 cup of barley
3 cups Stock/Water
18 ounce can of beans
A vegetable, originally brocolli, but a carrot in this case: chopped
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
Sauté the garlic and pasta in some oil under high heat. Add 2 1/2 cups of the stock and turn the heat down a bit. As the soup simmers, put the beans, the remaining stock and some of the vegetables in a blender. Add the pureed mix to the soup along with the remaining vegetables. Cook for about 15 minutes, under the pasta or barley is tender.
Serves 2.
Jacob. Cool blog. With respect to frugal shopping, I think you should do an investigative analysis on the London Farmer's Market. I personally enjoy their fruits and veggies, and for the most part their prices. But, are there prices really as good as they seem? Or is a greedy middle-person taking more than their fair share? You be the judge.