Monday, June 29, 2009

Fajita Night!

Last week I went to a Fajita night with some friends. Individually, we each only brought a few components that together combined to so much more.

By your powers combined...

...I am Captain Planet!

I was in charge of bringing sautéed onions and some veggie filings so I made Beer-Glazed Black Beans

Beer-Glazed Black Beans

Originally, I had the recipe embedded here but it didn't work so well. So, I'll just link directly to it. I made these very faithfully but I pureed half the beans and used slightly less oil and slightly more beer. The beer, incidentially, was Waterloo Dark. That's actually the only beer I've made using this recipe so I don't know what it would taste like with, say, an India Pale Ale.

My friend K-Wall's task for the night was making guacamole and he shares his recipe here:

Wanna talk the talk, and Guac the Guac?

  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 hot house tomato
  • 1 red (or any color) pepper (preferably not green)
  • Franks Red Hot Sauce Lime (this is diff. from the original)
  • 1 lemon

    Fork the avocados into a chunky mush. Add desired amount of chopped tomato and pepper, I like to put in enough for noticeable color without overtaking the avocado. Dab in hot sauce until desired hotness is achieved. Add about 1/3 squeezed lemon. I don't give exact amounts for any of the ingredients, but make sure to use enough lemon and hot sauce, these are what really make this a tasty guacamole. This concoction will need to be eaten immediately upon preparing as the guacamole will brown fairly quickly. It makes a tasty appetizer for 2-4. Serve with bagel chips or whole wheat tortilla chips, or whatever chip snack you fancy. [Putting the avacodo pits in after you made it and removing right before you serve might help avoid the browning --ed]
  • 1 comment:

    1. Here's an oooooold fajita recipe.
