For Thanksgiving, my fiancée and I made a delicious pumpkin pie. I'm not going to go through how it was made, because it's baking and we just went through this recipe. It turned out beautiful though (and now we have a lifetime supply of cloves):
One result of the pie, however, was that I now had a surplus of pumpkin and wasn't quite sure what to do about it. After a bit of brainstorming, I realized I should go back to my roots - lentils and rice - but jazz it up with some pumpkin.
Lentils with Pumpkin Coulis
1 1/3 cups pumpkin
2/3 cups tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Sriracha sauce
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 cups lentils
1/2 cups rice
Cover the lentils in boiling water and cook on high. Meanwhile, put the rice on.
Combine the other ingredients and cook on medium low, stirring occasionally. When the lentils are cooked, but still have some crunch, add them into the mix along with the rice.
Serves 2
The precision of the ingredients above is chimerical; as I just eyeballed everything. Still, I was very happy with how it turned out (and we had the leftover pumpkin pie for dessert).
Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee
2 years ago